We are now taking nominations for the next three year NEBSA Board term, 2026-2028! We plan to have elections late this spring to allow some overlap with outgoing Board members for continuity’s sake.
The following Board members are up for re-election this year:
Membership Coordinator: Carolina Sanchez Cano
Councilor: Krisanthi Giaya
Councilor: Dana Buckley
The following Board positions will be vacant (current Board members have served 2 terms):
Website / Social Media Coordinator
Councilors (3 positions will be vacant)
New candidates for the above Board positions must be nominated by at least two (2) members of NEBSA. The length of the term is three years with one elected renewal option for a maximum of 6 years of service in the same role. For information regarding the duties of these positions, please view the NEBSA Board Roles & Responsibilities.
Nomination Eligibility:
New candidates must be members of NEBSA.
New candidates must be nominated by at least two (2) members of NEBSA.
New candidates must be able to contribute 2-3 hours a month towards NEBSA initiatives, attend monthly virtual meetings and NEBSA events.
To Submit Your Nomination:
Send a short letter to the NEBSA office at elections@ne-bsa.org with the name of the individual, the position the individual is being nominated for and several examples of why the individual should be elected for that role.
An individual can only be nominated for one role on the NEBSA board
The deadline for nominations is March 31, 2025.
Nominated individuals will need to submit a brief biography in order to be on the ballot.